Firmware Update Roundup – Early February

Firmware Update Roundup Hero/Thumbanil Image

One of the coolest things about the drone industry is how quickly the technology advances.  Even cooler, your drone’s capabilities aren’t set in stone at the time of purchase.  That’s why keeping up to date with the latest firmware upgrades is so important.

Firmware updates can improve performance and add new features, enhancing your drone’s performance and your flying experience. However, if you don’t update your firmware regularly you may not be taking advantage of everything your drone can do.

DJI’s firmware updates are easy to install and often include big improvements, but sometimes it can be hard to keep up with all the changes. and make sure you’ve got the latest version.

No worries! Our team at Dronefly has compiled a few of those firmware updates on this page for your reading convenience. We’ll also give you a rundown of any features or functionality introduced with each update, as well as some of the steps you could follow to ensure you’ve got that latest firmware on your drone. Without further ado, let’s get to it.

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